The “Safir (The Sapphire)” television series, written by Burcu Över and Gül Abus Semerci, directed by Semih Bağcı, and produced by NTC Medya, is getting ready to premiere on ATV. Where, however, is the Sapphire series shot?
ATV’s next original scripted family drama, “Sapphire,” will air shortly. Why was Sapphire shot there? In which location in Nevşehir was the Sapphire series shot? These are the responses to the queries. The “Sapphire” television series promises a dramatic, poignant, and enigmatic tale.
We will be able to explore the world of the Gülsoy family, which is full of passion, retaliation, and bullying, in the soon-to-be ATV series. Yaman’s enduring love for his childhood lover Feraye and his family’s battle with perilous foes exemplify the nuanced connections surrounding honor, loyalty, and love in families.
The show will showcase the captivating splendors of Cappadocia on TV, with filming taking place in the Ürgüp region of Nevşehir. With a cast that includes great actors like İlhan Şen, Özge Yağız, and Burak Berkay Akgül, “Safir” wants to create a throne in the audience’s hearts with its unique storyline and captivating characters.
The series prepares for a trip where love and retribution collide, led by director Semih Bağcı. Viewers will get fully engrossed in this heartwarming tale in each episode as they delve into the relationships, tensions, and secrets between the family’s history and the present.
Location of Safir (The Sapphire) Series Filming
The Sapphire series is now filming in Istanbul and began in Cappadocia, the unique location of Nevşehir. These two distinct geographies hope to convey various moods to the viewer by providing a rich background for the series’ narrative. The Sapphire series captivates viewers with its portrayal of Cappadocia’s enchanted environment. The series uses Cappadocia’s distinctive topography and historical richness to give viewers a visual feast.
Filming for the series began in the Göreme neighborhood of Nevşehir and will now take place in Istanbul. A unique home in Cappadocia is utilized to tell the narrative of the Gülsoy family, which is the central theme of the television series. This home enhances the uniqueness of the series. Although shooting in many locales might be expensive, it enhances the show’s realism and depth. Read also the summary of Gülcemal Episode 4…